Friday 22 January 2010

The Strings of Spring.

Into the New Year where i'm in the leather seat
At the back of the jeep and every step is one towards such a destination

Every second my imagination is captured
The feelings enrapture and free me from my mind.

I squint my eyes as the colors pass by,
for once not as glorious as the inside

Angelic glitter that is added to the serenade of the beat,
the beat of the drum I march to.

From the heart of Irelands south.
to the frosted breath that comes from Boston's mouth

The heat of California Sun
from Washington's soldiers who held the gun.

I grow more excited as the lines on the road sprint and skip
I see the sunrise and I bite my lip.

As it comes before my waking eyes, I can feel the spring.
I can hear the strings.

Malaise is Murderous

Today, I feel for two young boys i've never met.

It reminded me of this story
One that touched me personally, through friends of mine.

The idea's of mutual respect and love are not preached.
In modern day 'masculinity' we see men taking on the role of a degrader of women, of people they consider physically weaker than themselves.

That young boy pleaded 'let me die'.
A ten year old, stripped naked covered in blood in a field ready to face his mortality.
To meet his end at the hands of brutal twisted distortions that once had the opportunity to dream.

How does this happen, why do some feel so much hatred for those different to them?
Why does the unknown scare some of us so much we feel the need to terrorize and degrade others?
Some people merely say, 'that's just human nature'.

Well, to that I frankly call 'bullshit'.

Thats no race i'm a part of nor would ever want to be a part of, and for those of us who believe in a maker, no maker would deserve praise for making all of us inherently murderous savages.
I refuse to believe that the same race that has created so much beauty from their own hands, you and I, are inherently bad.

These boys had been torturing their chosen prey for months yet government says 'there's nothing we could have done to prevent this'.
If there's nothing you can do to help the suffering children of your nation, then please...

Cease to exist.

If there is nothing you can do with your money, give it to the people who can help.

Times like this make us forget that the good people of the world without question outweigh the bad.
There is so much generosity in so many hearts I have met in so many faces and so much kindness I have seen in so many eyes.

The self-rewarding nature and heavy taxation, and policing of schools of the past 20 years of Government has caused a a most damaging blow to the souls of man. Their total disrespect for the matters of the spirit and of the heart have only worsened the humanity of the people. Turning them from the people into 'The Masses.'

The Government has created a state of 'Malaise', this large scale apathy has always opened the doors for mass-scale inhumanity. When the people are told the problems they have not created our theirs and a state of disorientation follows, such confusion usually turns to pointless, mindless acts of violence. (E.g the paddling/ beating up of Freshman In late 1970's America.)

They use the mentality in schools, and in local communities "If you don't have 1, you can't get 2, and if you don't have 2 well you can't get 3, and if you don't have three...well you'd better off yourself now."

Is it that we have become so dehumanized by the ritualistic degradation of government that young children have become such beasts?

We must say not first to our oppressors, but to ourselves, "We are free men", "Free unto ourselves, to express and to achieve any desire that we might so wish." I do not say that, only, for my age group or Nationality.

I say it for all the children in all the schools of the world who's hearts beat to the sound of a free drum. To the call of the human spirit.

I think I have an answer to this, laugh it off if you may, it is you who will be proven wrong.
The answer, is art.

Is art necessary? No.
If by the standard of 'necessary' you mean food and water.
Fruit is not 'necessary' either, but it does us much good.

Art is the fruit of the soul.

It nourishes us, and guides us, it gives us light through the darkness our eyes cannot see, and gives us humanity and the ability to feel others pains and hopes as though they were our own.

If these children were introduced to the paintings of great artists, or the work of great directors perhaps this would have not happened.

Certainly, Art needs to be held in higher esteem for in ancient Greece (Where art was comparable to religion) such acts of Barbarism were few and far between.

With the Pilot Light, for those of you out there who feel like there are others who hate you, who try to hurt you and sting you with their every word. I want to make a shield for all of you, one made out of love and hope, something the bastards can never take from us.

All my thoughts and prayers to those young boys and their families.


Thursday 21 January 2010

Ode to Innocence.

Little boy why do you cry?
To me he gives his last reply

"My blood it takes away the sun, it takes away victories won
I pass into the shadowland where moon and stars and sea and sky, they pass away until i die.
The love i have in my own heart, is torn into its final shard. With dance of hair, with change of tone,
the more i feel alone, alone.

The soft blue warmth of the screen will stay with me till seventeen.
But i will wish that i had stayed where still budded love and youth
had come and played.
What lies ahead i do not know, i do not see what is past this last years snow.

The bones they stretch my soul it shrinks? Ironing out the pretty kinks.
The flawed beauty of my life, the sorrow the pain, the hurt and strife.

Tuesday Morning, you shall be missed, you are the girl i should have kissed
held you close upon my own, shown you sweet love he who still is a child has known.

For should we ever meet again and the time is right, i would gladly spend forever with you, my love
every morning noon and night.

I need a chance to come again, to make youth's love my own, no earthly wine nor sands of time can i see
now making mark.
And when my chance it comes again will i show it love? Say warmth is here good times be remade
Or masticate it and masturbate until lost into dismay.

The door of light is closing, i want to rush on in, but darkness it has me in shackles,
darkly voices, coils and cackles.

The garden is burning, my tears are dripping, blood is now the wine i've been sipping.
Friendly voices, flat love shapes i can no longer see, the sands of time are raping me.

I stand here in my last breath upon the little hill, a little soldier,a little cap, no light left in the heart.
This is the land what makes me breathe, and we are torn apart."

And so he stand up that hill, crying at all he can, for when the tears have all dried up, he has become a man.

Wednesday 20 January 2010


Welcome to The Stargazers Ball.

Musings, Music, and Poetry for people approaching adulthood and looking to cling on, and bring through the beauty of childhood into a new era.

The Stargazers Ball is spiritual twin of the band 'The Pilot Light', the songs come from the same place, the same spirit and the same hands.

This website is for all of you sick of growing up in the traditional manner of soulless
excess, and for those of you who are simply looking for a little magic to enliven your day, or tales
of kinship to pull you through.

Here I promise you, you will find both.

Happy Reading.
